ALeC - Integrating People, Process & Technology for Business
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  Privacy Statement  

Consistent with Government legislation, Andrew Le Clercq Pty Ltd (ALeC) endorses fair information handling practices. Any information provided, including identification of individuals, will be used only for the purpose intended and where the intention includes confidentiality, information will be retained as such unless otherwise required by law.

Visitor logs are used on this site for statistical purposes only. No attempt will be made to identify specific users or their browsing activity. De-identified data from these logs may be used to update and improve the ALeC site.

Personal Identification provided via email to ALeC will only be used to respond to specific queries and will not be added to any mailing lists, nor disclosed to any other party without the recipient's knowledge and consent and as intended, unless required by law.

ALeC is committed to evolving policy. This statement is subject to a cycle of review.

Your privacy @ ALeC
Andrew Le Clercq Pty Ltd
P O Box 105
Chewton VIC 3451
ACN 085 601 556
ABN 39 085 601 556

Phone: 0418 176 354
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